2025 Holy Day Calendar
Passover: April 12*
Days of Unleavened Bread: April 13-19
Pentecost: June 1
Feast of Trumpets: September 23
Day of Atonement: October 2
Feast of Tabernacles: October 7-13
Last Great Day: October 14
*Observed at sunset the evening before
One Voice
One Message
One Church
"Christ's apostle wrote to the Corinthian Church in A.D. 56. "Now I beseech you brethren, by the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, that ye all speak the same thing, and that there be no divisions among you; but that ye be perfectly joined together in the same mind and in the same judgment." (1 Corinthians 1:10)
They were starting to follow different leaders teaching different doctrines! The Church was becoming divided and a church divided against itself cannot stand!" Herbert W Armstrong WWN, Feb 1978

"God says we in His Church must all believe and speak the SAME THING - we must be AGREED on what is truth and right and good as opposed to what is evil and sin.
Brethren, WE HAVE NOT OBEYED THAT COMMAND OF JESUS CHRIST! We have not all believed the same thing! There HAVE BEEN DIVISIONS among us for that very reason!
We therefore have been GUILTY before God of disobeying HIS EXPLICIT COMMAND! I said "We've been". But God's time of trial and test is upon us! God says through Daniel, that at "the time of the end. Many shall be purified, and made white, and tried;..." (Daniel 12:9-10)
God's sifting time is upon us! God is allowing those duped by Satan to bring upon us the GREATEST TIME OF TRIAL AND TESTING THAT His Church has undergone in our lifetime!" Herbert W Armstrong WWN, Feb 1979


View and/or download the books and booklets which formed the core teachings of the Church of God as written by God's end-time apostle.

Find, view and download every article and co-worker letter written by Mr. Armstrong in The Good News, The Plain Truth and other publications.

Upholding the Plain Truth Magazine
Coming Soon!
Check out the latest issue of Upholding the Plain Truth or search for previous issues.

At OnlyArmstrong, we strive to uphold what Christ restored through the teachings of Herbert W. Armstrong and inspire people to learn more about how to live God's way of life. We are dedicated to educating our readers on the importance of holding fast and enduring to the end. Our mission is to provide the necessary tools to help our readers better understand the scriptures and what was restored by Christ's apostle.
We are passionate about helping our readers grow in their understanding of Herbert W. Armstrong’s teachings and we hope to provide a platform for like-minded people to come together and speak the same thing (I Corinthians 1:10). Join us in holding fast to restored truth (Matthew 17:11)!